Owen likes to read...even all by himself (May 28)
7.5 MB video
And a photo of the same thing...
More walking (May 28)
8.5 MB video
This is what he sounds like when he's really having fun!(May 27)
7 MB video
Throwing the ball to mom and dad (May 27)
5.5 MB video
I want YOU to read to me! (May 27)
Playing with a golf ball (notice which hand he's throwing with!) (May 18)
10 MB video
A window box planting photo(May 16)
Helping Mom plant her window boxes (May 16)
9 MB video
(drum roll...) The long awaited WALKING VIDEO! (May 13)
notice the fancy pajama "coat tails"
7.5 MB video
And another...(this one's funnier) (May 13)
9 MB video
Dirty (and cold!) We went right in for a bath. (May 13)
Playing in the dirt!! (May 6)
9 MB video