Pictures and Movies of Owen!
Updated frequently...

(click on the link above to get to the main page with links to past months)


Owen likes to read...even all by himself (May 28)
7.5 MB video

And a photo of the same thing...

More walking (May 28)
8.5 MB video

This is what he sounds like when he's really having fun!(May 27)
7 MB video

Throwing the ball to mom and dad (May 27)
5.5 MB video

I want YOU to read to me! (May 27)

Playing with a golf ball (notice which hand he's throwing with!) (May 18)
10 MB video

A window box planting photo(May 16)

Helping Mom plant her window boxes (May 16)
9 MB video

(drum roll...) The long awaited WALKING VIDEO! (May 13)
notice the fancy pajama "coat tails"
7.5 MB video

And another...(this one's funnier) (May 13)
9 MB video

Dirty (and cold!) We went right in for a bath. (May 13)

Playing in the dirt!! (May 6)
9 MB video